Straw mushroom
-Vietnamese name: Nấm rơm.
-Comon name: paddy straw mushroom or just straw
-Synomym name: syn. Volvaria volvacea, Agaricus
volvaceus, Amanita
virgata, Vaginata
Scientific classification
-Volvariella is a genus of mushrooms with
deep salmon pink gills and spore prints.
The genus is estimated to contain about 50 species.
List of some
species of Genus Volvariella mushrooms:
-Volvariella bombycina
-Volvariella caesiotincta
-Volvariella hypopithys
-Volvariella jamaicensis
-Volvariella lepiotospora
-Volvariella peckii
-Volvariella surrecta
Many sources list Volvariella as a
member of the Pluteaceae family,
but recent DNA studies have
revealed that Pluteus and Volvariella evolved
separately and have very different DNA. These studies show that Volvariella is
very closely related to "schizophylloid" mushrooms like Schizophyllum commune.
Some species of Volvariella are
popular edibles in Europe , accounting for 16% of total production of
cultivated mushrooms in the world.
-Volvariella volvacea (also known
as paddy
straw mushroom or
just straw
mushroom); is a species of edible mushroom cultivated throughout East and Southeast Asia and used extensively in Asian cuisines.
In Chinese,
they are called “cǎogū” (straw mushroom), in the Philippines
they are called “kabuteng
saging” (mushroom
from banana), in Thai they are called “hed fang” and in
Vietnamese they are called “nấm rơm”.
They are often available fresh in Asia , but are more frequently found in canned or dried
form outside their nations of cultivation.
Straw mushrooms are grown on rice straw beds and
picked immature, during the button or egg phase and before the veil ruptures. They
are adaptable and take 4-5 days to mature, and are most successfully grown in
subtropical climates with high annual rainfall. There is no record of their
cultivation before the 19th century.
They resemble poisonous death caps,
but can be distinguished by their pink spore print;
the spore print is white for death caps. Despite this fact, many people,
especially immigrants from South East Asia
where the mushroom is common place, have been poisoned making this mistake.
Unfortunately, it is easy to mistake the death cap
mushroom (Amanita phalloides), as well as some other Amanita species,
for this edible species due to similarities in appearance. This mistake is the
leading cause of lethal mushroom poisoning in
the United States.
Volvariella and Amanita cannot
be distinguished in the early "button stage", that, for many, is
considered the best stage to collect Volvariella for consumption.
Like Amanita,
the paddy straw mushroom has a volva, or universal veil,
so called because it is a membrane that encapsulates the entire mushroom when
it is young. This structure breaks apart as the mushroom expands, leaving parts
that can be found at the base of the stalk as a cup-like structure.
This distinctive
species of Volvariella is
apparently not native to North America , but it
has been introduced to that continent by human activity and can be found in
woodchips, compost, greenhouses, and gardens when conditions are right. Volvariella
volvacea is
a robust species for the genus, featuring a grayish brown cap that is streaked
with silky fibrils. The prominent volva at the base
of the stem is brown to nearly black.
-Ecology: growing gregariously or in
clusters; found in woodchips, greenhouses, gardens, compost piles, and similar
locations; capable of appearing year-round, depending on climate but usually
found in summer when outdoors; apparently widely distributed (in introduced
settings) in North America, but more common east of the Great Plains.
-Cap: 5-16 cm; egg-shaped when young,
expanding to convex or broadly conic, becoming broadly convex or nearly flat;
dry; radially streaked with hairs; gray to brownish gray or grayish brown or
nearly black when young, with a paler marginal area; soft; the margin not lined,
but often splitting with age.
-Gills: Free from the stem; white
becoming pink; close or nearly crowded.
-Stem: 4-14 cm long; up to 2 cm thick;
tapering gradually to apex, with a swollen base; dry; whitish or brownish;
silky; the base encased in a thick, sack-like volva that is brownish gray to nearly black
above and whitish below.
-Flesh: White.
Other features
-Odor and Taste:
Not distinctive.
Reactions: KOH negative on cap surface.
-Spore Print:
Salmon pink.
Features: Spores 7-10.5 x 4.5-7 µ; more or less ellipsoid, or somewhat ovoid;
smooth; inamyloid. Pleuro- and cheilocystidia variously shaped but mostly
fusoid-ventricose; to about 115 x
35 µ. Pileipellis elements not
gelatinized. Clamp connections absent.
Straw mushroom is one of
the best edible mushroom that could be grown in tropical climate within 8-12
days to fruit. It is one of the most highest protein content, fast
growing mushroom.
Some of Shouth East Asia countries
produce straw mushroom as a good and
nutritious food for using in their
countries and exporting.
Source: Wiki pedia and
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