a- Scientific Classification
Sesbania sesban
Synonyms for the species name include
aegyptiaca (Pers.) Steud.
elongata Salisb.
sesban L.
aeschynome-sesban Forssk.
punctata DC.
tchadica A. Chev.
Two subspecies are recognized within S. sesban, namely ssp.
punctata (restricted to northern portions of sub-Saharan Africa )
and ssp. sesban.
Common names
-(Afrikaans) : rivierboontjie
-(Amharic) : girangire
-(Arabic) : sesaban
-(Bengali) : jainti, jayant
-(Burmese) : yay-tha-kyee, yethugyi
-(English) : common sesban,
Sesban, Egyptian
rattle pod, frother, river bean, sesban, sesbania, Ladybug, Ladybird.
-(Filipino) : katodai, katuray
-(Hindi) : jainti, jait, rawasan
-(Indonesian) : janti, jayanti, puri
-(Javanese) : janti
-(Khmer) : snaô kôôk
-(Lao (Sino-Tibetan)) : sapao lom
-(Luganda) : mubimba, muzimbandeya
-(Sanskrit) : jayanti, jayantika
-(Spanish) : Añil francés, tamarindillo
-(Tamil) : champai, chithagathi, karunchembai
-(Thai) : sami, saphaolom
-(Vietnamese) : Điên điển, Điền thanh nước.
-(Zulu) : umQambuqweqwe, umsokosoko
b-Ecology and distribution
History of cultivation
The origin of S. sesban is unclear, but it is widely
distributed and cultivated throughout tropical Africa and Asia .
Africa is its centre of diversity, and it
probably originated there; its former name is S. aegyptiaca. From northeastern
Africa, S. sesban var. sesban and its variants were spread across southern Asia .
Natural habitat
S. sesban grows well in the subtropics and is significant in
extending the nitrogen-fixing forage trees into cooler, higher elevation
regions of the tropics. It has outstanding ability to withstand waterlogging
and is ideally suited to seasonally flooded environments. When flooded, it
initiates floating, adventitious roots and protects its stems, roots and
nodules with spongy, aerenchyma tissue. It is common along streams, swamp banks
and moist and inundated bottomlands. S.sesban shows some tolerance to moisture
stress and tolerates soil alkalinity and salinity to a considerable degree.
Geographic distribution
+Asia: China ,
India , Indonesia , Iraq ,
Laos , Pakistan , Philippines ,Vietnam …
+Africa: Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote
d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger,
Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan…
+Europe: Egypt .
+America :
United States of America .
+Oceania: New Caledonia , Norfolk Island , Papua New
Guinea , Samoa ,
Solomon Islands .
Biophysical limits
Altitude: 100-2300 m, Mean annual temperature: (10 min.)
18-23 (45 max.) deg. C, Mean annual rainfall: 500-2000 mm Soil type: Tolerates
seasonal or permanently waterlogged soils as well as saline, acidic and
alkaline soils.
Reproductive Biology
S. sesban is assumed to be largely out-crossing, however
interspecific hybridization is reported with S. goetzei; the carpenter bee is
its main pollinator. Flowering starts shortly after the onset of the rains (in
areas where there are 2 rainy seasons, it flowers and sets fruit twice). Pods
are indehiscent and do not shed their seeds until well after pod maturity.
c-Botanic description
Sesbania sesban is a narrow-crowned, deep-rooting single or
multi stemmed shrub or small tree, 1-7 m tall.
-The trees usually
have a main stem but may develop many side branches if widely spaced. The many
branches give the tree a shrubby appearance, often tending towards a spreading
habit due to its wide branching angle (45-60 deg. Mostly).
-Leaves paripinnate, long, narrow; leaflets in many pairs, rounded
or oblong, usually asymmetric at the base, often glaucous; stipules minute or
-Flowers attractive, yellow, red, purplish, variegated or streaked,
seldom white, large or small on slender pedicels, solitary or paired in short
axillary racemes, usually unpleasantly scented; all petals long clawed,
standard orbicular or obovate.
-Pods are subcylindrical, pale yellow, straight or slightly
curved up to 30 cm long and 5 mm wide containing 10-50 seeds.
-Seeds are found in a pod, seeds oblong or subquadrate, brown or
dark green mottled with black. Seed collection
from most of the perennial sesbanias is easy and large quantities of seed can
be rapidly hand harvested and processed.
d-Propagation and management
Propagation methods
S. sesban has a hard, impermeable seed coat, and
scarification is recommended to ensure uniform germination. For research
purposes, soaking in sulphuric acid followed by rinsing in water is common. Hot
water treatment or soaking in cold or tepid water for 24 hours may also be
effective. The seed germination rate is 65% in about 16 days. Vegetative
propagation using stem cuttings is not a widespread practice; S. sesban can
also be established by tissue culture.
Tree Management
One of the major advantages of sesbania over other forage
trees and shrubs is its rapid early growth rate, which can be exploited by
intercropping it with other slower establishing species for earlier yields. In India , it has
been reported to attain a height of 4-5 m in 6 months. S. sesban thrives under
repeated cuttings and coppices readily, with many branches arising from the
main stem below cutting height. Cutting frequencies are generally 3-4
cuts/annum, but up to 8 cuts are made in some areas. Yields have ranged from 4
to 12 t/ha dry matter per year, depending on location. Cutting height can also
influence yield, with cutting heights of 50-76 cm favouring plant survival and
productivity. The rhizobium requirements of S. sesban vary. There is a
host-strain interaction, and different accessions of S. sesban require different
strains of bacteria.
Germplasm Management
Seed storage behaviour is orthodox. Viability can be
maintained for 2 years in open storage at room temperature. There are 85
000-100 000 seeds/kg.
e-Functional uses
-Food: S. sesban flowers are edible and are included perhaps as a
decorative or festive ingredient in foods such as omelettes.
-Fodder: The tree has a high percentage of foliage nitrogen and is
an excellent supplement to protein-poor roughage in ruminant diets. Ruminants
readily eat leaves and young branches. The crude protein content of the foliage
is generally greater than 20% and often above 25%. In vitro dry-matter
digestibility is 75%. Nylon-bag dry-matter digestibility of dried leaf of S. sesban
is 90.7% and nitrogen digestibility is 96.7%. These characteristics, together
with the generally low crude fibre content and high phosphorous levels,
indicate the potential of the species as a high-quality forage source. When
grazed, the brittle tree may break too easily and expose the tree to fungal
attack. It has been successfully fed as a sole diet to goats and as a
supplement to low-quality forage for sheep.
-Fuel: S. sesban is popular for firewood and charcoal because it
produces a high woody biomass in a short time, which, although soft, is
relatively smokeless, quick kindling and hot burning. The calorific yield for a
3-year-old tree is approximately 4350 kcal/kg. Fibre: S. sesban is used for
making ropes and fishnet and has potential for pulpwood production.
-Gum or resin: S. sesban seeds and bark produce gum. Poison: The saponin,
stigmasta-galactopyranoside, which is isolated from the seeds, has glucuronide
derivatives of oleanolic acid, which has molluscicidal activity against
Biophalaria glabrata, one of the known snail vectors of schistosomiasis. The
saponin also shows spermicidal and haemolytic activity. Using S. sesban leaf
meal in poultry diets (as 10% of the diet) is fatal to young chicks, and the
provision of either cholesterol or sitosterol with the diet significantly
improves chick survival.
-Medicine: Fresh S. sesban roots and leaves are used to treat scorpion
stings, boils and abscesses. The Hausa of Ghana use decoctions of leaves as a
drench for cattle to repel tsetse fly. Among the Haya people of Tanzania , it is
used to treat sore throat, gonorrhoea, syphilis, spasmodic fits in children and
jaundice during pregnancy. The leaves are used in some countries as a tea and
are considered to have antibiotic, anthelmintic, antitumour and contraceptive
properties. Oil from the seeds is accorded special properties in ayurvedic
medicine and is reported to have bactericidal, cardiac depressant and
hypoglycaemic actions.
-Shade or shelter: S. sesban has been used to shade coffee, tea and cocoa. It
has also been used as a windbreak for bananas, citrus and coffee.
-Soil improver: S. sesban will increase soil nitrogen through symbiotic
interaction with bacteria, has the ability to stabilize soil, and in Asia has been used as green manure for rice. Its branches
have been used as mulch and leaves as a green manure. S. sesban improves soil
fertility in a short-term rotation fallow and is useful in combating striga
weed (Striga hermonthica). Some studies indicate that in 1 year a S. sesban fallow
can increase maize yields from 2 to 4 t/ha without application of nitrogen
-Intercropping: S. sesban is a promising shrub for alley cropping because
it is easy to establish, it grows rapidly, coppices readily and provides mulch
of high nutrient content (particularly N). In some climates, such as in the
highlands of Kenya ,
it may have a sparse canopy, and weed competition can be a problem. This
characteristic makes S. sesban a good intercrop. Boundary or barrier or
support: Suitable for use as live trellises for pepper.
f-Pests and diseases
S. sesban is attacked by nematodes, insects, fungi and
viruses. The leaf-eating beetle Mesoplatys ochroptera can completely defoliate
S. sesban, leading to mortality. Caterpillars, Hymenoptera, and stem borers are
normally associated with S. sesban. Some potentially destructive root-knot
nematodes have been recorded in India
as associated with S. sesban.
1-Sesbania sesban -From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2-Sesbania sesban - Common Sesban
4-Herbal Monograph
- Sesbania sesban -
5. Sesbania sesban (L.)
Merr. .
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